Kind of Photography


The Kind of Photography

Portrait photos

 The potrait, a photo portrait or photograph the face are often the photographs that are often we produce.  Of you have a family, I’m sure they’re the picture are most often and easily available. So is that you have a boyfriend, friends and so on. 

Black and White Photograph

The black and white not true contras of black and white. Black and white were combined in a continuum that produce a series of grey.

Makro Photograph

 Photography the makro  is a photograph at a distance of the very near future to get details, but don’t need aid of a magnifying optics as optical zoom, photography  the makro  usually having a ratio of 1 to the big picture generated the same size with the original object.

Landscape Photography

lanscape photography can be callednphotography, intended to show the different in the world. The photo images usally catch the presence of nature and are often free from a man – made. The lansdcape often try to document the sapace and expressed his appreciation of my sight.

Wildlife Photography

 Wildlife photography requires patience and approach to the often. In reviews new shoot like A Pro series of  Photography  wildlife we will feature a series of simple techniques that will help you more close to animals that you want to portraits and never missed a shot.

Street Photography

In general in the streets ( street photography ) is the activity of a shooting that focuses on human life on the street or open space or public space, so the result is a reflection of society. There’s nothing in engineering as it is at some point, so it is spontaneous, and it’s based on instinct a photographer.

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